Buying Labs is the leading global fashion trading platform.

Our Platform

We have an extensive B2B network through which our partners can buy or sell fashion inventory in any volume. We work directly with brands, boutiques, and other distributors to source fashion inventory from any season, which we sell to our international clients.

The Inventory Challenge

Buying Labs understands the inventory challenges that brands and retailers face in meeting the ever-changing demands of consumers. At the same time, unsold products in one channel or region are often highly sought after elsewhere.

Our Network

Our broad B2B network enables us to buy and sell any volume
of goods.

Brand Protection

Our many distribution partners enable us to find the right sales channel for every fashion item & brand always with the focus on brand protection.

Are you a fashion brand, retailer or distributor looking for ways to manage your available inventory?

Do you want access to a broad range of fashion merchandise & brands?

Are you interested in exploring all options?

Get in touch!